
General Surgery Clinic

United Medical Center hosts some of the region’s top surgeons with a very successful track record, great reputations, and specialized services. United Medical Center’s surgeons in Dubai provide surgeries in different areas: bariatric and weight loss surgeries, breast surgery, esophageal surgeries, colorectal disease treatment and surgery solutions.

Our Services

How can we help you ?


Such as colonic diverticular disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Our doctors will provide a complete assessment and treatment for colorectal diseases and also provide the right guidance on any steps to be taken from medication to surgery.

Our Treatments


Our doctors provide:

  1. Proper Assessment for obesity and its co-morbidities where we will be able to inform the patient which solution is the best for their case. At United Medical Center we provide all the weight loss procedures from intra-gastric balloons, medications (succenda and vectosa), endoscopic solutions, and surgical options such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass (mini-gastric bypass), classical reux on Y gastric bypass.
  2. Surgical solutions for weight regain post bariatric surgery. We also do revision surgeries such as providing surgical solutions after another surgery. This is not common as our doctors are some of the few doctors worldwide who are trained to do so. We also do corrective surgeries meaning we fix complications from previous bariatric surgeries such as stricture, chronic fistulas, malnutrition, recurrent ulceration, hypoglycemia and dumping syndrome.
  3. We provide treatment for gastric tumors. We do the treatment of GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors), lymphomas of the stomach, cancers of the stomach, adenocarcinoma. At United Medical Center we do the assessment and surgical removal of the stomach parts. What we do at United Medical Center that is unique to us is that we do the surgeries laparoscopically which is done in a few centers worldwide to get the same outcome with a minimally invasive method vs the traditional surgery.

United Medical Center has a unique specialty which is the rare esophageal surgery. We provide several services from:

  • Treatment of Complex hiatal hernias and GERD procedures (Anti-reflux procedures)
  • Achalasia and other benign esophageal disorders assessment and treatment
  • Esophageal benign and malignant diseases assessment and treatment

GERD gastroesophageal reflux diseases is a very common clinical condition worldwide. Reflux is a burning sensation or extremely chronic cough caused by reflux. Most people respond to dietary measures and simple anti-acids and medications such as proton pump inhibitors. However, there are some cases where reflux diseases can be very severe and not responding to medical management. Those cases need to be evaluated for surgical management. At United Medical Center we have full evaluation modalities to effectively evaluate patients with reflux diseases and treat them. These modalities include PH study which lasts 24 hours where we put a probe in the esophagus to check the acidity. Other modalities include esophageal manometry to check the motility of the esophagus and if there are any dis-motility issues. This is also done through a probe for 24 hours. Other tests like CT chest and abdomen with contrast to understand anatomy to see if there is a hiatal hernia, or bariums study which is an X-ray. We also do an upper GI endoscopy to look for anatomy and mucosal lining and if there is ulceration or other etiology if needed. After determination of the problem, we provide the right treatment, if it is a modality problem, we could be giving medications to clear the esophagus or help the motility. However, if it is truly a reflux disease that is not responding to treatment we do surgery. Such as:

  • Hernia removal if it exists. A hiatal hernia is when a segment of the stomach moves into the chest which causes several symptoms of GERD or breathing problems.
  • Fundoplication according to the degree of the condition

We also provide assessment and treatment for complications of GERD medication. Some people have been on anti-acid medications for a long time and it was working and no longer works, upon evaluation there is a stricture from bad reflux or bleeding from bad reflux. For those people we also have to do the proper surgery. We also provide the following assessment and surgeries:

  • Achalasia and other benign esophageal disorders or cysts, diverticulum or lipomas. Such as a fixed muscle (dysphagia) that doesn’t ease by heller myotomy with progressive weight loss
  • Assessment and treatment of Esophageal benign and malignant diseases

Esophageal cancers are increasing due to bad reflux. Usually comes with weight loss and dysphasia. To do the proper assessment we always do an upper endoscopy or biopsy. Esophageal cancer is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. Our doctors will help you with the right treatment. It is usually treated in a multi-modality therapy, radiation, oncology and foregut surgeons.

We get rewarded with the smiles of our patients and our team.
Those smiles are our proof.

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